"Christmas: Same Fight Different Year”

by Amber Rogers

Could it be that fighting over the validity and manner in which we celebrate Christmas is a distraction? This "Seasons Greetings" vs. "Merry Christmas" issue that we embark upon each year never ceases to amaze me. The one thing that believers have to remember doing this celebratory time of the year is that "December 25th is not Christ's birthday." It is, in fact, a day in which Christians have set aside to acknowledge His birth. Again, all my emphasis is on the word "Christians."

Since when have Christians and non-believers ever been on one accord about everything? The world has its own designs for this holiday season, and it is to celebrate themselves. For the most part, the celebration of Christmas and New Years usually includes but is not limited to, gross acts of consumerism, the overconsumption of food and alcohol, displays of family discourse, and bouts of depression. The other half, in my opinion, are just enjoying the trees, the lights, and the illusion of peace on earth because even they are tired of dodging bullets. This is their season (as well as ours) to listen to a little Bing Crosby, and to drink as much Egg Nog that the body will allow while waiting for that big ball in the sky to drop; signifying the end of one year, and the beginning of another. No judgment, I get it!

So, why are we trying to suddenly change sinners into believers for this one season? Where's the uproar at Easter, Passover, or Good Friday? Why is there a problem now, and at this particular time of the year? Weren't they (the world) whoring, fornicating, lying, and killing before "Black Friday?" If so, then why are we trying to change their sin nature at the shopping mall, while they're fighting over the merchandise in the "buy-one-get-one-free-bin?" Sinners are gonna do what sinners are gonna do!! Screaming and yelling that "Jesus is the reason for the season" outside of Macey's is counterproductive when we haven't spent that same year screaming out St. John 3:16 and laying out the plan of salvation!
Now, THAT would be bringing them into the knowledge of His birth!
Why do we wait for the singing of Auld Lang Syne to prick our melancholy over another year wasted in our collective ministries?

How can we expect non-believers to adhere to a core reality that many of them reject and the other half hasn't accepted? It seems that Christians constantly end up on the wrong side of the equation. We should not be trying to "take back Christmas" or any holiday for our safekeeping! We act as if the world has blatantly stolen something from us! Salvation is not ours to be hoarded and bowed with pretty wrapping paper, only to be pulled out during these celebratory times! No nefarious crime has been perpetrated against us because, in fact, the World doesn't want our Christmas! They want to be left alone with their gifts, "ugly-sweater" parties, and their New Year resolutions! But somehow, we misconstrue this rejection of our Christ and this Yuletide season into that of theft!!

This attitude of ownership by us is noteworthy because He is not a commodity that rises and falls on the NASDAQ of Wall Street. His value is not cyclical.

When we extend to the world the gift of Christ all year long, then that's Christmas! As we look toward a new year, It's time to throw out our possessive interpretations and embrace our commission. This upcoming year will hold hurdles and obstacles as tall and wide as the ones we got over in the year behind us, however, we are going to have to run at a far more impactful stride.

As the righteousness of Christ, let's focus our daily energies less upon the exposure of one another's nakedness and more upon exposing the naked truth of Christ to a dying world in order that "whosoever will," will indeed come.


Happy New year!