Why Your marriage Sucks {part 2.}

“You found love on a two-way street and you lost it on a lonely highway”…


Brothers, “love your wives as Christ loved the Church.”

She is your Jewell. She was placed here by God for you and you chose her. You plucked her from the bushel of a million roses and you said that she was the "one" and she believed you! However, I have an ought against you, because you left your first love. She bore your children, runs your home, and now those extra 10 to 15 pounds are a problem for you! Because your love is no longer unconditional. You have forgotten, however, that a rose, your rose, by any other name is still a rose and its fragrance is still just as sweet. Any living, breathing, thing that goes neglected withers and dies and you must conclude that the vows which you took before the Lord must be reignited. Sit down together and refresh yourselves bringing to mind your love for God, scripture, and for each other. Sometimes it's okay to start over. But bear in mind these things;
The roles of each involved are clearly described in the Bible. Although males and females are equal in relationship to Christ, the Bible gives specific roles to both the husband and the wife in marriage.
Titus 2:4-5 says, that the women should be trained by their elders to love their husbands and children, they are to be self-controlled and pure, to care for their homes, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
1 Peter 3:1 says: “Wives, in the same way, be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives."
1 Timothy 3:11 says: that wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything! These scriptures are our guidelines and God is a God of order. Just as we abide by and respect our natural order of things
God has entrusted us with his Word and expects no less from us in our obedience.
This brings me to the last part of this exposé and that is intimacy.
Husbands and wives are afforded the rare opportunity to take each other to that ultimate place... that warm, nurturing place of abandonment that outsiders cannot penetrate. As her man, her most beloved, he gets, for that moment, to see her in all of her nakedness-exposed and vulnerable. And therein lies the core of many problems. Because anything that is vulnerable is also fragile. Fragile pieces need to be moved intricately and with admiration and respect. This delicate balance can be thrown off by a misplaced word, harbored anger,
and resentments, spoken or unspoken. When your wife's nakedness and vulnerabilities are being used against her during moments of discourse she will then feel unprotected and betrayed. And an unprotected woman is not going to be forthcoming with the type of biblical submission needed to sustain her marriage. This woman is not going to be receiving of her man physically, emotionally or spiritually. She will no longer respect his spiritual input into her life and she will seek outside sources for issues regarding the will of the Lord for her life. Her simple, spiritual questions which should be directed towards him will now be shared with outside elders, pastors, and other spiritual leaders. This breach in their marriage and relationship is totally contrary to the word of God. Therefore, men need to heed this siren call and with due diligence go back and do your first work. Your first work is to submit to God and then to love, cover, honor and protect your wives. Yes, the wedding is over, the band has played their last song. The years have passed and you two have forgotten how to dance. Take a moment, close your eyes, and allow the rhythm to take you back. She is your rose in glory and you are her leading man. With prayer and supplication ask the Lord to teach you His steps.