"Dancing With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight!"

by Amber Rogers

Question; "if God delivered you from a lifestyle (the operative word being delivered) because it was against his ordinances, then why would you spend the rest of your life defending the people engaged in that lifestyle which is contrary to the word of God?".. I'm asking for a friend.

Listen, I know you say you're "delivered," and your outward appearance is as such, However, your INSIDES are absolutely, positively, showing off on you! Oh, don't get me wrong, you may not be committing the outward sin of homosexuality but the seed of it is still in there. The remnant of it is yet a disruptive, festering, and beguiling component of your life and it's obvious in everything you do.

Every time you embrace what is now looked upon as a "social issue" and lend your voice and support to the 'Dwayne Wades' of this world or any LGBT, (LMNOP) cause, knowing that they are contrary to the will of God- you are dancing with the devil.

Your hatred for God's church and his people, (of whom you profess kinship) has become an enmity between your "delivered" state and this new doctrine of inclusion, which is running a counterfeit ring in many of our churches today! How can you as a born again believer act as a liaison between a group of people who you think are disenfranchised and carry their message of so-called "human rights violations" when your stance is one of rebellion against the ordinances of God and hatred against the ministers of the scriptures?

You have now become the first person in line to shout out against the church in the protection of sin! "Wasn't that you that we all gasped at online, who was Instructing the offended to "sue" churches that speak out against homosexuals? (as if they would be opposing a building instead of God's body.) Isn't it on your "wall" that we all observe on a regular basis, your fury and vitriol against pastors and preachers who stand on the word of God and resist the infiltration of these spiritual appropriations?

"Beloved, When our love of championing social issues and what we perceive to be injustices is greater than the love of the Word of God, then we have placed ourselves on the wrong side of eternity." Our past lives, prior to salvation has been forgiven. When the musical lures of battles and "causes" of our past begin to sway us, when its melancholy song strikes up a familiar, conflicting, toe-tapping cord, we must take a pass and sit this one out! The wallflower in us should remind us to discern our battles and..."Put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to its deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of the mind... and give no place to the devil." (Eph 4:22)

There are no big sins vs. little sins in Christ. All sin is sin. Homosexual sin in the sight of God is the same as murdering, lying, stealing, fornicating, or cheating. However, the social movements and spotlights that are now beaming its lights upon the body of Christ have this isolated sin illuminated. In this age of fast-moving information, protests, and disgruntlements we must be found yet holding up the blood-stained banner and not allowing the prejudices of our past to thwart our assignment. I can't ever recall a time when I ran across a believer supporting the transgression of adultery! He would never tell a person caught up in that sin to "sue the pastor for calling him/her out!" Why? Because we don't qualify sin! We see it for what it is and we rely on scripture to dictate its end. Sin is not established through man’s law or society's standards; sin can only be defined by God. From a scriptural perspective, sin (hamartanó in the Greek ) means "to miss the mark," to fail in meeting the standards established by God and taught by Jesus. As believers, we have to make certain that this is our banner and not just another trap of entanglement from the enemy.