"Without talking about God, judgment, or Original Sin, let's talk about this!"

Torn from today’s headlines, is a true dilemma- and that is the disregarding of truth! In a land where we are encouraged to “live our own truth,” we have stumbled upon an anomaly, because truth does not have “versions.”

Giving way to the adage of your truth, my truth, and the actual truth, might keep Politically Correct conversations flowing, and it may help some sleep well at night, but it doesn’t hold water, nor does it stand up in a court of law! So, you can imagine the dismay of most reasonable people when the Story of Lia Thomas, the American transgendered swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania became the subject of debate recently. The real story behind this featured article is not so much about the decisions that William Thomas has made for his life, nor does it lie in the fact that he has chosen to live as a transgendered person; as much as it does about a conscious society’s replacement dogma. In the Greek, dogma in its literal interpretation means “something that seems true.”

about transgenered women in sports. on the why ine, yours, and acutual)disturbing on so many levels because when truth is disgarde and slipped under the rug in lie of facts then we have become a nation of fools. transgendered people are transgendered in their own and the confines of their own brains! And society is contorting itself to impregnate our society with those convoluted thoughts and have put regulations in place because of the voices in their heads... I would have more respect for transgendered person if they became transsexual... Because and their own literal language they proclaim that "Transgender" people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth. And when these girls naked in the rocker room changing their swimming suits look up their balance brain is telling them a man has infiltrated my private space, but society (and new regulations) tells "me" that I have to allow it. #they're raping and sexual molestation of America by sick minds.😣 https://www.theblaze.com/news/swimmer-who-tied-lia-thomas-in-200-freestyle-finals-says-officials-cheated-her-on-podium-we-just-want-lia-to-hold-the-fifth-place-trophy